
In 1989, the 100 Club of Memphis established endowed scholarships for deserving firefighters and law enforcement personnel in Shelby County, including immediate family members.

The scholarships are made possible in conjunction with matching grants from four local universities – Christian Brothers, LeMoyne-Owen, Rhodes, and the University of Memphis.

Basic Eligibility Standards

Officers, spouses, and other immediate dependents of any officer with at least five years of field service. Active-service officers, as well as retired officers and their immediate family members, are eligible.

Scholarship awards will only be made to those officers (or family members of officers) who have maintained a satisfactory personnel record. Dependents of deceased officers who have been killed in the line of duty, but do not meet the five-year field service requirement are also eligible for these scholarship awards.

For additional scholarship information, please email or call 901-825-0417.